In April 2011, at the request of the Polish Meat Union, kiełbasa myśliwska (hunter’s sausage) and kiełbasa jałowcowa (juniper sausage), and in October 2011 kabanosy (kabanos sausages), were entered in the register of the Traditional Speciality Guaranteed.

TSG – Traditional Speciality Guaranteed (GTS – Gwarantowana Tradycyjna Specjalność in Polish) means any traditional agricultural product or foodstuff recognized by the Community for its specific characters through a process of registration, in accordance with Council Regulation (EC) No 509/2006 of 20 March 2006 on agricultural products and foodstuffs as traditional specialities guaranteed.

Only a traditional product, which is at least 25 years on the market and has a set of specific characteristics which distinguishes a product or a foodstuff clearly from the other similar products or foodstuffs of the same category, can apply for TSG status. An application for the Traditional Speciality Guaranteed status can be submitted with or without reservation of the name.

Registration without reservation of the name means that only the manufacturers who produce their products in accordance with the specification provided in the registration request are allowed to use TSG mark. Manufacturers who produce their products not in accordance with that specification are not allowed to use TSG mark but they can use their earlier trade names, although they were registered as TSG.

Registration with reservation of the name prevents manufacturers who produce not in accordance with that specification not only from using the Traditional Speciality Guaranteed logo, but also from using the product name.